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Dr Steve Garwin

Chief Technical Advisor

Dr Steve Garwin has over 28 years of experience as an exploration geologist and is one of the leading authorities on porphyry, epithermal and Carlin‐style mineralization in the circum‐Pacific region and applies methods of structural geology and geochemistry towards gold and base‐metals exploration. He has previously worked with Newmont Mining for ten years, including two years as Chief Geologist in Nevada, USA. He has been involved with several exploration and mining projects including the Batu Hijau copper-gold porphyry deposit (where he completed his PhD), the Indo Muro, Way Linggo and Tembang epithermal gold‐silver vein systems, and the Mesel sediment‐hosted gold deposit in Indonesia; mines of the Carlin Trend and Battle Mountain district in Nevada; the Whistler gold-copper porphyry deposit in Alaska; and the Santa Barbara gold‐porphyry deposit in south-eastern Ecuador.

Dr Garwin has been an adjunct research fellow at the Centre for Exploration Targeting at the University of Western Australia since 2001 and was appointed a visiting fellow at the Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University in 2014. Steve has been instrumental to date in the recognition of the mineralization systems at Cortadera, and the implementation of state‐of‐the‐art detailed mapping and logging systems on site. These processes are leading to accurate drill hole targeting and rapid progression to resource definition.

Dr John Beeson

Lead Structural Geologist

Dr Beeson has over 20 years worldwide experience in multiple-commodity mineral exploration for companies including Placer Dome, Goldfields and Pancontinental Mining. He specializes in structural geology with a PhD and post-doctoral experience from the University of Western Australia and leads Hot Chili’s structural mapping and modelling work. Dr Beeson’s recent work has seen his involvement in the exploration and assessment of large multi-commodity projects in Australia, Africa, Europe and Asia.