Executive Studies Manager Appointed to Lead Costa Fuego Copper-Gold PFS


ASX Announcement

Thursday 2nd September 2021

Hot Chili Limited (ASX: HCH) (OTCQB: HHLKF) (“Hot Chili” or “Company”) is pleased to confirm the appointment Mr John Hearne in the role of Executive Studies Manager. 

Mr Hearne will be responsible for driving the Company’s Costa Fuego Pre-feasibility studies (PFS) and managing all aspects of the Company’s development group.

Mr Hearne is a mining engineer with over 35 years’ experience spanning production roles to executive directorships with leading mining and consulting companies including Snowden, Wood (Amec Foster Wheeler), Coffey Mining, BHP Billiton, North Ltd, Henry and Walker, and Mount Isa Mines.

Mr Hearne’s appointment significantly strengthens Hot Chili’s executive management team by adding expertise in managing all facets of mining projects from early-stage studies through to full scale operations for both underground and open cut mines.

Mr Christian Easterday, Managing Director of Hot Chili, said

“The Board would like to welcome John to the leadership group of our Company.

We look forward to John’s strong contribution as we continue to evolve and expand our capabilities toward establishing Hot Chili as an emerging major copper miner in the coming years.”

This announcement is authorised by the Board of Directors for release to ASX.

For more information please contact:

Christian Easterday
Managing Director
Tel: +618 9315 9009

Email: christian@hotchili.net.au

or visit Hot Chili’s website at www.hotchili.net.au

To read the full announcement click on the below link.

Appointment of Executive Studies Manager