The resignation of Alternate Director, Melanie Leighton, effective 1 October 2021


ASX Announcement

Friday 1st October 2021

Hot Chili Limited (ASX: HCH) (OTCQB: HHLKF) (“Hot Chili” or “Company”) advises of the resignation of Alternate Director, Melanie Leighton, effective 1 October 2021.

Ms. Leighton has provided invaluable input during the life of the Company to date since her appointment in 2010 when the Company was formed. Her efforts have been enormous and are greatly appreciated.

Hot Chili would like to thank Ms. Leighton for her significant contribution to the Company and wishes her all the best for the future.

Christian Easterday, Managing Director of Hot Chili Limited commented:

“Melanie has provided exceptional technical guidance and performed many different roles within the Company to ensure its continued success. Her dedication to the Company has been unwavering and has allowed the company to survive through difficult times. Mel leaves Hot Chili well positioned towards future growth as a direct result of her efforts. Her contributions will be missed.”

This announcement is authorised by the Board of Directors for release to ASX.

For more information please contact:

Christian Easterday
Managing Director
Tel: +618 9315 9009


or visit Hot Chili’s website at

To read the full announcement click on the below link.

Resignation of Director