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About Us — Chilean Copper Company

Hot Chili Ltd (ASX/TSXV: HCH, OTCQX: HHLKF) is well positioned to benefit from the looming structural shortfall in the most critical commodity of them all – copper.  The Company aims to build shareholder value through the growth and development of its high-quality Costa Fuego copper project, located in a low elevation and accessible region of northern Chile.  Costa Fuego is rated by S&P Global Market Intelligence (2022) as one of the top 10 “low risk” undeveloped copper projects globally.

Our Mission

Hot Chili has three key copper projects—Cortadera, Productora, and El Fuego—all located in close proximity to one another. In developing these projects, our copper exploration and development company seeks to create a new mining hub on the coastal range of Chile called Costa Fuego.