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Hot Chili Limited

Hot Chili (ASX/TSXV: HCH, OTCQX: HHLKF) is well positioned to capitalize on the impending copper supply deficit – an inevitable outcome of the push to electrify everything and a depleted project pipeline globally.  Hot Chili is committed to delivering value per share for existing and future shareholders within the context of the copper commodity cycle.

The Company control large-scale assets in two of the most critical commodities of our time – copper and water – with two of the most desirable attributes – low-risk and near-term.

Hot Chili’s Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project in low elevation Chile has quality, size, location and strategic advantages that can materially shorten development timelines.  Perhaps most importantly Costa Fuego is one of the few copper development projects globally that has a water extraction licence.  Hot Chili has also secured most of the easement and surface rights required for development. What began as a ten-year water permitting process for Costa Fuego, has transformed into a potential water business capable of supplying an entire region with both seawater and de-salinated water.

Hot Chili released a PEA in Q2/2023 demonstrating a robust oxide and concentrate (with no deleterious elements) project with annual copper equivalent production of over 100kt/year for a 16 year mine life using conventional mining and processing.  Hot Chili’s economic advantage includes using seawater for processing (resulting in slightly higher recoveries vs fresh water), proximity to existing towns (negating the need for a permanent camp), access via the Pan American Highway, access to existing electrical infrastructure that currently includes a high renewable component and an MoU with an existing port.

Market conditions are indicative of the initial stages of a new copper price cycle being driven by a lack of new supply.  The Company is well funded to take advantage of controlling the right assets at the right time in the right place.


Narrated 3D video of Costa Fuego – July 2024